Urban Art

The word “urban art,” which is synonymous with “street art,” refers to works of visual art that are produced in public spaces, such as city streets, sidewalks, and building walls. It’s a form of self-expression through visual media that frequently incorporates characteristics of graffiti, mural painting, and street culture into a unified whole.

ATX Fine Arts
Revolução dos Cravos

25 de ABRIL

A REVOLUÇÃO DOS CRAVOS A Revolução dos Cravos, que ocorreu em Portugal em 25 de abril de 1974, foi um …
Zeca Afonso


Zeca Afonso e o 25 de Abril em Portugal José Afonso, mais conhecido como Zeca Afonso, foi um cantor, compositor …
Rato roundabout

This Is Not For Fish

In this land there where fisherman. This Is Not For Fish. Sea pollution is a combination of chemicals and trash …
silent scream

Silent Scream

Silent Scream Violence against women is a major public health problem and a violation of human rights. It is estimated …