
A cartoon is a type of visual art that is typically drawn, frequently animated, in an unrealistic or semi-realistic style. The specific meaning has evolved, but the modern usage usually refers to either: an image or series of images intended for satire, caricature, or humor; or a motion picture that relies on a sequence of illustrations for its animation. Someone who creates cartoons in the first sense is called a cartoonist, and in the second sense they are usually called an animator.

the game

The Conflict

The Israel-Palestine Conflict and the Nakba The conflict between Israel and Palestine is one of the most enduring and complex …
women and politics

Women and Politics

Progress, Challenges, and Impact Women and politics. The role of women in politics has evolved significantly over the centuries, marking …


The Nature and Evolution of War War, a pervasive and enduring aspect of human history, is defined as a state …
Media XXI


Between Conflicts Press XXI. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most enduring and complex conflicts in the world, deeply …